Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Paraphrase activity

Amanda Gieseler



“A willingness to entertain the possibility that “bad” or harmful experiences can happen to children allows a therapist to attend to the indicators of abuse and neglect. The therapist’s ability and willingness to ask about abuse and neglect gives children permission to talk.”

1.  Many children do not get the chance to voice the abuse and neglect they are given in their homes, a therapist gives the child a willingness to come forth with what is occurring and allow them to talk without fear.

2. Harmful experiences are detrimental to children, especially young children, if we allow them to be open with permission and willingness of that of therapist it may be able to help the child in the long run and begin to reset any abuse that may have harmed the child mentally.

3. There are many indicators of neglect and abuse, therapists give these children an opportunity to voice what they would not in front of an instructor and gives the child a light of hope to know that if they talk to the therapist things may get better.



“These children are at greater risk for internalized behaviors such as anxiety and depression, and for externalized behaviors such as fighting, bullying, lying, or cheating. They also are more disobedient at home and at school, and are more likely to have social competence problems, such as poor school performance and difficulty in relationships with others. Child witnesses display inappropriate attitudes about violence as a means of resolving conflict and indicate a greater willingness to use violence themselves.”  aafp

1.      Children are so easily influenced and if they are exposed to abuse in their homes there are many different ramifications that come from that, depression, anxiety, and those feelings may lead to things such as fighting, bullying, lying, cheating, and a drop in grades in school.  There may also then become a difference in the home, possibly making the child become more resilient.  

2.      Internalized and externalized behaviors are two very different actions, and in the mind of a child you are much more likely to expose both while you display because of your internal due to the fact that you have no defense against showing them. Then inappropriate attitudes become relevant once the conflict comes into picture.

3.       Remember the way in which a child retains things, through watching the actions of others.  Abuse to the child gives the child an idea that this is okay and although the child may be depressed or full of anxiety he or she may display this through poor actions in school and becoming very antisocial.



Children are our future, they are the shining beacons that show where we are going next in this world.  But abuse from the parents inhibits growth to happen which can lead the child down a road of hatred, anxiety and depression.  Allowing the child to believe that there is nothing they can do to make things better so why on earth would they try to.  The abuse may be able to be reversed though, if the child seeks out for help and finds the right people, he or she may be brought to a therapist.  This therapist is extremely important to the mental state of the child, it allows the child the possibility to expose the abuse that they had become victim to through stupidity of the parent.  The therapist gives the child a safe environment in which they can willingly speak of the horrors that they had faced and not worry about the possible threats that come from speaking.

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